A litlle history

Category: By sakurita princess
Basically alternative rock (also known as alt-rock or Indie) nation in the 80s and became more popular in the 90s, this term was given to the music he was influenced by punk rock. In the 80s, in the 80s hard rock was the most often heard. Of the various genres of alternative rock stress:

Gungre:Is a subgenre of rock derived from rock and indie rock alternative pop influenced by the noise, taking sounds close to hard rock, punk and hardcore punk and structures close to classic pop rock.

Britpop (BRITanico): Is a musical genre born in the mid-90s, marked by the emergence of groups of bands influenced by the decades of the 60s and 70s including The Beatles and The Kinks. It was incredibly popular during the years 1994-1996.

Gothic rock (also referred to as goth rock or simply goth): Is a musical subgenre of alternative rock that formed during the late 1970s. Gothic rock bands grew from the strong ties they had to the English punk rock and emerging post-punk scenes.

Indie pop: Refers to the indie music indie based pop changes, one can say that deciende of indie pop indie rock, the terms can also be used to indicate the Division and between the rock within the indie pop.

NOTE: Indie comes from English and Spanish concerns independiente.Eso mean

that all sub-cultures, genders, views, styles and cultures, with similar or even

becomin a desert are autonomous, that is the motto 'DIY'.

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